If you're like all the pet parents I know, you will do anything to keep your dog happy and healthy. We choose the right superfoods, foods, treats, supplements and even keep their water dish clean and full with filtered water.
One thing is for certain, our dogs definitely have a tendency to make things a little dirty around our homes. If you feed your dog raw food you know you need to be extra clean to keep everyone safe and healthy. Finding the right non-toxic cleaning products which are good for us and our dogs is an ongoing trial and error process.
I've put together a few of my favourite non-toxic, natural products I like to use around my home which are compatible with my dog's lifestyle - if you know what I mean.
Favourite products for stinky beds
MamaSuds Unscented Laundry Soap

Favourite product for washing food bowls

Unscented Company Dishwasher Tabs
Throw your dog bowls in the dishwasher and drop in the super concentrated dishwasher tabs made from more than 93% plant and mineral based ingredients, then watch the magic happen!
Favourite product for counters

Moor Freshouse All Purpose Spray Lavender-Mint
This is a great natural, non-toxic all purpose cleaner for counters and "after eating" cleanup. This formula uses hydrogen peroxide, lavender and peppermint as a disinfectant. So great for the raw fed dogs.
Favourite product for washing floors

MamaSuds Castile Soap
I don't have to worry about any harmful residue on my dogs paws with this vegan floor cleaner. MamaSuds Castile Soap is an incredibly versatile all-purpose cleaning soap. It has hundreds of uses but I especially love it for floors. The base is apple cider vinegar and lemon juice! All good natural ingredients.